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Re: MPE Question

Hello again,

the famous words stuffing and padding are

Siva Veerepalli wrote:
--- Bernhard Collini-Nocker <bnocker@cosy.sbg.ac.at>

Siva Veerepalli wrote:

A couple of questions about MPE-FEC framing.


2. The MPE section has optional stuffing bytes at


end of the section. Are these used? If yes, for


Whenver an IP packets leaves "enough" space in the
last TS packet another IP packet could be inserted. If not wanted or needed, stuffing takes care that the empty space is filled up with
pattern 0xFF.

I was actually referring to the stuffing bytes in the
MPE section, not the TS packet. I understand the use
of stuffing bytes in TS packets, but am not clear why
stuffing bytes are used in MPE sections.

According to EN301192 "stuffing_byte: this is an optional 8-bit field whose value is not specified. If the payload of the section is scrambled (see payload_scrambling_mode), these bytes are scrambled. They are to assist with block encryption and data processing in wide bus environments. The number of stuffing_bytes used should meet the data alignment requirements defined in the data_broadcast_descriptor."

So, for block encryption one typically has some arbitariy number of bits to encrypt and needs to ensure that the MPE payload is on auch a multiple bit boundary for what MPE internal stuffing might be needed...



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