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RE: IP over DVB-S2 requirements draft

Hi Juan
Has there been any follow up on the DVB-S2 liaisons following the action
point in IETF63? If so, please keep the email list up to date with
If not, you'll keep banging against the same wall: "is this really of
benefit to the internet community without DVB-S2 adoption?" (The answer
being "no", unless there's some major innovation in standards
Sorry to be the wet blanket in this, just that it seems sensible only to
employ your talent in the IETF on something which offers realistic
chances of deployment.
(BTW, this only applies to WG adoption of the draft, and I'm happy to
see individual efforts for academic or any interest, though I got the
impression you are aiming at WG adoption).
Cheers, Rod.


	From: owner-ipdvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk
[mailto:owner-ipdvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk] On Behalf Of ext Juan Cantillo
	Sent: 30 September, 2005 14:50
	To: ipdvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk
	Subject: IP over DVB-S2 requirements draft
	Dear all,
	Following the 63th meeting discussions, we have produced a
brand-new version of our document concerning the IP/DVB-S2 issues. The
I-D "draft-cantillo-ipdvb-s2encaps-01.txt" si bnow available online at: 
	We look forward to discussing the draft together in Vancouver.
Of course, we warmly encourage you to take a look at it from now;
comments, questions and remarks are most welcome via @.
	Best regards,
	Juan CANTILLO - SatComs PhD. Researcher
	Tel +33 6 23 54 59 65- Fax  +33 5 61 61 86 88