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Proposal for scoping the work to IP over DVB, ATSC and MPEG-2 Sy stem.


		I would like to invite this group to consider 
opening the charter to not only DVB Transport Streams but 
also to ATSC Transport Streams and in general, to MPEG-2 Transport 
Streams. Carriage of IP in ATSC Transport streams 
is specified in the ATSC A/90 standard published last year. Carriage of IP 
in MPEG-2 Transport streams is specified by Amendment 1 
to MPEG-2 DSM-CC published late last year. 
		One of the benefits of expanding the scope of the 
work would be to take into account some of the work that 
has already been done in this area. The ATSC Data Broadcast 
Specialist Group that I chair has produced a specification 
 that goes over some the items that have 
been brought up, namely: Mapping of IP networks to an 
MPEG-2 Transport stream, coexistence of SAP/SDP with  
SI information, Management of local network interfaces, 
discovery of IP Multicast address for filtering purpose.
We have also coordinated this effort with SCTE. 
I have attached a copy of this draft specification. It is 
in an advanced stage since we have just completed the disposition 
of the second ballot comments. 

		Thank you in advance. 

		Kind regards, 

		Regis J. Crinon
		Intel Corporation 

	Regis J. Crinon, Ph.D. 
	Manager, DTV Standards and Architecture
	Intel Corporation
	2111 N.E. 25th Avenue 
	Hillsboro, OR 97124-5961
	Tel: 503-264-2448
	Fax: 503-264-3483



-----Original Message-----
From: Gorry Fairhurst [mailto:gorry@erg.abdn.ac.uk]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 7:24 AM
To: ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk
Subject: URGENT: BoF question for ip-dvb

I think this list is becoming very clear on what it wishes to work upon, and
that we have received considerable encouragement to do this work. Following
comments from the list, I have issued a revised proposed charter.
This is to be found at:


It's now time to assess whether **WE** feel there is sufficient progress 
to start writing protocol documents, and therefore request that the IETF
should consider a BoF, with a view to forming a WG on this subject.

Please read the following, and complete the information below and return 
it to me directly.  I will use the number and enthusiasm
of the responses as an indicator of how this discussion is progressing.

I shall summarise the answers to this list.

Best wishes,



Please return form below to:

[  ] I agree with the proposed charter

[  ] I would like the proposed charter to be changed to consider the
following issues:


[ ] I shall be attending the next IETF and would like to see a BoF on
this topic
[ ] I would like to present a short presentation at a BoF on this topic

I am interested in co-authoring/editing an Internet Draft on 

[ ] Requirements for IP over DVB 
[ ] Efficient Encapsulation for IP over DVB 
[ ] DVB Address Resolution for IP over DVB 
[ ] Multicast Support for IP over DVB 
[ ] Other


Attachment: S13-012_draft.zip
Description: Binary data