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Re: IPDVB WG Activities at 67th IETF - Discussion Topics

Indeed, I guess this would need a code-point to allow a ULE-Type, and a spec to say how it should work. Any work would need to be preceded by an understanding of the requirements (including if there is an expectation to supporty multicast).

There was some suggested (expired) work in ROHC that may have helped and could be appropriate: I recall some individual drafts suggesting support for ROHC over Ethernet - although the issues may not be the same, and the mortivation was I think WiFi.

As far as I know, this never proceeded, but similar issues have also appeared on other IP-over-foo lists in the Internet area. It would be good to resurect these thoughts and see whether there is now a case for working on this.


Juan Cantillo wrote:

Personally I think this is an important topic. I found in the IPDVB archives an old discussion about ULE and ROHC (2 or 3 years ago), but I've never been able to find out what happened finally with it. Anyone to throw some light on this? On top of that, this could be interesting for GSE (the new encapsulation protocol for IP over DVB-S2) as well, since IPDVB could bring a strong contribution to GSE here.

Juan Cantillo

On 10/3/06, Roderick Ragland <rragland@hns.com <mailto:rragland@hns.com>> wrote:


    I wanted to determine if there would be any interests with those on
    the ipdvb wg mailing list that would be interested in discussing
    methods of identifying extensions within ULE to indicate transmitted
    encapsulated IP packets that have compressed headers?

    Roderick J. Ragland
    Senior Director Protocol and Networks Group
    Hughes Network Systems, LLC.
    11717 Exploration Lane
    Germantown, MD 20876
    (o) 301.548.1996  (w) www.hns.com <http://www.hns.com>
(f) 301.548.1112 (e) rragland@hns.com <mailto:rragland@hns.com>