Please refer..ISO/IEC 13818-1 Semantic definition of fields in Transport Stream packet layer, Page 44 for countinuty_counter and Page 46 for discontinuity_indicator
Well its again an implementation decision to consider or mask countinuty check based on the PID.
Best Regards,
William StanisLaus | Design Engineer - FS, Nera Dept
email: williams@future.futsoft.com | Telephone: +91 44 24330550 Extn: 282
Mobile: +91 98411 57902
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 Allison, Art wrote :
IMHO, if a MPEG-2 TS parser was presented with out of order packets
identified by the same PID, a receiver failure is to be expected as the
stream would be non-conformant.
However, the continuity_counter can be the same in sequential packets (which
are then required to be the same except for the PCR). Also, this count may
be discontinuous when that is indicated by the discontinuity_indicator. So
it is not always a monotonically incrementing field. Given the rules for
this 4-bit continuity_counter, it is not apparent that it is possible to use
it to reorder packets at the MPEG-2 level.
Therefore, IMHO, any lower level communication protocol must not reorder
MPEG-2 transport stream packets that are identified by the same PID. If it
has a potential to do so, then either constraints or an explicit method for
restoring the order must be defined.
Art Allison
Director Advanced Engineering
1771 N St NW
Washington DC 20036
202 429 5418
-----Original Message-----
From: Tarif.Zein-Alabedeen@space.alcatel.fr
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 9:05 AM
To: ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk
Subject: Question on Continuity Counter field
Importance: Low
I have a question about the continuity counter field in the TS packet
header. May be someone in this group has the right answer :
what heppens if an MPEG receiver receives an out of order TS packet?
that is, for the same PID, the CC field value of a received packet not
equal to CC field value of precedent TS packet + 1
Is there one standard behavior or is it implmenetation dependent?
can CC check as the receiver be disabled?
(oups, this makes 3 questions already)
thank's and best regards
T. Zein