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ULE-01 : last byte(s) precision

OK, the PP using the last available byte has been cleared !
And there are no more case with the lenght/end_inidcator
being split over 2 TS cells, but ...

5.3 != 5.3.1
"If there is at least two remaining bytes ...."
"... and a TS packet has more than two bytes of unused payload"

so >2 or >=2 ?

so if there is 2 bytes left, and a PP not already set, I see
it has to start on a next TS cell, but if the PP is already set,
does the new SNDU start in the same TS packet ? From the exemple
A.2 (SNDU D) I would think yes, but from the text I have a doubt.

More over in the exemple section a case should be shown, that packing
with a PP creation is not done when there is only two bytes left, for
it would split the length, this can be shown with in the exemple A.2
  SNDU D : 184 bytes (instead of 185)
  SNDU E , which lead to :

          +-----+------+------+-   -+------+------+------+
          | HDR | 0x00 | C000 | ... | C180 | D000 | D001 |
          +-----+---*--+-*----+-   -+------+------+------+
          PUSI=1    *    *
                                     End Indicator
          +-----+------+-   -+------+------+------+
          | HDR | D002 | ... | D183 | 0xFF | 0xFF |
          +-----+------+-   -+------+------+------+

          | HDR | 0x00 | E000 | ...
          PUSI=1    *    *

Your thoughts ?

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