Dear Gorry:
I have sort of consented to Ulrich Reimers' note, during the last DVB-TM meeting, to notify him if there is a need to correspond with your group. I attend, on the average, every other DVB-TM meetings. However, I work very closely with the DVB-GBS group where IP over DVB is being specified and monitors your reflector all the time. If this is not adequate, please don't hesitate to accept other more generous offer from the IETF group.
Narisa Chu
Motorola Broadband
-----Original Message-----
From: Gorry Fairhurst []
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Suggestions for DVB-TM liason.
Andrew Vlaentine provided the Liason between this mailing list and the
DVB-TM, since he left his role in DVB, this has left a "gap" which needs to
be filled. It was always the intention that the list would work with (rather
than in competition with) the DVB-TM to develop good common standards. As
we start to discuss issues and propose new documents, this liason will become
very important.
Is there anybody, to your knowledge, who may be a suitable person/people
do this?
Please send comments to the list or recommendations in a private email to: