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Re: Call for feedback: Security requirements for IETF IPDVB WG - Inputs

Gorry Fairhurst wrote:
If you think this work is useful (should progress) please do email either
the ipdvb WG list or the WG Chair. Comments on this topic should be received
before 24th November 2006.



I have been forwarded an excerpt from the final report of the TTCP, C3I, Technical Panels 6 & 8, Workshop on Future Coalition Operational and Tactical IP Networking, held in September 2005.

This report was prepared following a joint workshop on Miliatry IP networks, and included a detailed discussion of security issues (see attached). There was a delay in releasing these findings, but they now arrive at an appropriate time to allow dicussion on the above WG call.

Please do send comments, to the ipdvb mailing list,

Best wishes,

Gorry Fairhurst

<<FCOTIPN IETF Recommendations v1.pdf>>