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Re: Revised IP over mpeg-2/DVB charter


I just joined this list, so am coming at this work entirely out of context. But I wanted to understand the scope and requirements as it moves to an IETF WG. Thanks in advance for your indulgence....

1. The proposed working group name is "IP over DVB", yet the charter says it is intended for any MPEG-2 transport stream. Is it the intent of this group to develop documents relating to non-DVB transports (ATSC, ARIB, video servers, and others)?

2. The second paragraph says, "There is therefore a need to define an efficient standardised encapsulation for IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams...". This statement seems to presume that the ISO MPEG 13818-6 Amendment #1 (and the related ETSI 301192 and ATSC A/90 and ATSC A/92) that everyone uses today are somehow unsuitable for some reason. I think it would be helpful to add something between these paragraphs that supports the need for the development of a new encapsulation. Alternatively, one could soften the "therefore there is a need" to something like "investigate and recommend".



At 10:00 AM 6/20/2003 +0100, gorry wrote:

A revised charter has been uploaded to the ip-dvb server at:

Please do send corrections to me and comments to the ip-dvb list.

Best wishes,


P.S. The index page has also been updated (long overdue!) at:

Michael A. Dolan, President
Television Broadcast Technology, Inc. (TBT)
PO Box 1673 Alpine, CA 91903 USA
619-445-9070     FAX: 208-545-6564