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Re: MAC or PID?

on 25/3/02 10:12 am, Ghassane Aniba at Ghassane.Aniba@sophia.inria.fr wrote:

> HI,
> what's the problem if we don't use DSM_CC?
> could someone tell us what exactly the usefull thing in the DSM-CC
> encapsulation?
> thanks.

DSM-CC came from the video world as a way of communicating control data - it
has lots of useful features to support this (look at the header), including
ability to work with carousels. MPE adds some glue to make this work for IP.
The point is, it never was very well suited to IP transport. Although you
can run IP over anything (almost :-) ) it adds very significant complexity
and processing to each IP datagram.

Gorry Fairhurst.