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Re: Proposed IETF BoF on IP over DVB - an explaination!


    I think the transition from BoF to Working Group requires more work than
you state here.  But, that is no reason to scare anyone off, hence my private


M.Butcher@hns.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Would it be possible to see some of the ATSC papers on this subject? It
> would indeed be good to have a single solution. Please join the reflector
> and submit your proposals and we will determine the reaction.
>                 Martin
> Martin Butcher, Technical Manager
> UK Engineering Design Centre
> Hughes Network Systems Europe Ltd.
> Saxon Street, Linford Wood , Milton Keynes MK14 6LD, United Kingdom
> Tel     : Direct +44 1908 326 205 Tel Main +44 1908 221122 x 205  Mobile:
> +44 7901514110
> Fax    : +44 1908 221127
> Email: M.Butcher@eu.hns.com
>  "Crinon, Regis J"
>  <regis.j.crinon@intel.com>                  To:
>                                       "'M.Butcher@eu.hns.com'"
>  17/10/01 06:12                      <M.Butcher@eu.hns.com>
>                                              cc:        "Crinon, Regis J"
>                                      <regis.j.crinon@intel.com>
>                                              Subject:        RE: Proposed
>                                      IETF BoF on IP over DVB - an
>                                      explaination!
>     Martin:
>                  I read your e-mail with interest. Would it possible
> for  the IETF BoF to widen its focus to IP over ATSC as well ?
> The  ATSC T3/S13 Data Broadcast Specialist Group that I
> chair  has just released a specification in which we solved a
> number  of problems related to the mapping of IP networks
> into  an MPEG-2 Transport Stream. We also have defined
> how  SAP/SDP and ATSC PSIP (the counterpart of DVB-SI)
> can  coexist and complement each other. Finally we have
> had a  close cooperation with the US cable industry in this
> matter  (DVS 311).  Please let me know.
>                  Thank you in advance.
>                  Regis J. Crinon
>                  Intel Corporation
> ============================================
>         Regis J.  Crinon, Ph.D.
>         Manager, DTV  Standards and Architecture
>         Intel  Corporation
>          JF3-206
>         2111 NE 25th  Avenue
>         Hillsboro,  OR 97124
>          USA
>         Tel:  503-264-2448
> ============================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From:  M.Butcher@eu.hns.com [mailto:M.Butcher@eu.hns.com]
> Sent: Tuesday,  October 09, 2001 9:19 AM
> To: dvb-cm@list.dvb.org;  dvb-tm@list.dvb.org
> Subject: Proposed IETF BoF on IP over DVB - an  explaination!
> Dear All,
> After some discussions the job of  introducing this topic fell on me.. here
> goes.
> Proposed IETF  BoF on IP over DVB - an  explaination!
> ------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------
> Background
> ------------------
> With the  new direction of DVB 2.0 which has IP as a main element, certain
> activies have  been started within DVB. Issues with IP have been raised and
> many have now  found owner groups. Some issues have not. In some cases
> expertise on issues  has not been available within the groups within DVB.
> At the last TM meeting a call for remaining technical  issues was made and
> these are to be debated at the next meeing in November,  this clearly needs
> to happen and the following is in no way intended to  conflict with this.
> The issue  concerning the carriage of IP over DVB have also been raised in
> the DVB-BSS  group.
> It has been noted that DVB  has forged good liasons with various external
> bodies to promote information  exchange and the question has been posed by
> several DVB members about liason  with the IETF to ensure that effort is not
> duplicated, expertise is available  and that good visibility of issues is
> achieved.
> One problem with the IETF is that it does not readily  support such liasons
> except those formed by the attendees. Thus for any  successful liason to
> occur it is important that DVB members have  representation within the IETF
> and vica versa.
> It came to light in the discussions within the DVB-IPI  group that the PILC
> (Performance Implications of link Characteristics) group  within the IETF
> had been studying transport of IP over links such as MPEG and  DVB. Several
> organisation who are also DVB members were also active in the  IETF and
> concerned about the commercial and technical impliciations of the
>  convergence of DVB/MPEG and IP networks. Mr Gorry Fairhurst of Aberdeen
>  University (who had presented work in this group within the IETF)
>   undertook to explore how these issues could best be tackled within both
>  DVB and IETF.
> The question was how  to get a group within the IETF that could best discuss
> the issues surrounding  DVB/MPEG in a similar way to those tackling ATM,
> Mobile, Bluetooth etc.
> How to Create an IETF working  group
> -------------------------------------------------------
> The road to creating an IETF group starts  with finding a group of people
> interested in a topic.
>          First one needs to have an issue.
>         This needs to be discussed  with an Area Director - e.g. Internet ,
> Applications, General, Operations,  Routing, Security, Sub IP etc.
>          Sufficient interest has to be demonstrated
>         A proposal  for a group  at an IETF meeting
>                 - This is known  as a BoF which stands for 'Birds or a
> Feather' ( for those not familiar this  is a saying 'Birds of a Feather
> Flock Together')
>         The BoF meets - if  sufficient people attend the group and a report
> is generated the BoF turns  into a working group (or else it dies!).
> Current Status
> ---------------------
> Gorry  has a proposal with the relevant Area Director for a BoF to be held
> at the  next IETF meeting in Salt Lake City (10-14 Dec 2001). He has created
> a  temporary email reflector (ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk) to discuss the
> formation of  this group and several DVB members have subscribed.
> A decision needs to be taken soon as to:-
>         Is there  enough support within DVB for such an activity?
>         Is there any opposition to  this activity within DVB?
>          Is the December IETF meeting too soon or should this be  postponed
> to Minneapolis in March?
> There is no desire to push for an activity that will not have enough
>  support and therefore not achieve the status of a working group.
> Action Required
> ------------------------
> DVB members interested in this topic and capable of  attending the IETF in
> either December or March and interested in the proposed  BoF should contact
> Mr Gorry Fairhurst gorry@erg.abdn.ac.uk and/or  subscribe to the email
> reflector ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk
> Martin Butcher,  Technical Manager
> UK Engineering Design Centre
> Hughes Network Systems  Europe Ltd.
> Saxon Street, Linford Wood , Milton Keynes MK14 6LD, United  Kingdom
> Tel     : Direct +44 1908 326 205 Tel Main +44 1908  221122 x 205  Mobile:
> +44 7901514110
> Fax    : +44  1908 221127
> Email: M.Butcher@eu.hns.com
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